Area Meta Data Structures

Area TypeData FieldData TypeDescription
COUNTYUAIDNumberUnique area identifier
COUNTYSTATEFPStringCensus state FIPS code
COUNTYCOUNTYFPStringCensus county FIPS code
COUNTYCOUNTYNSStringCensus county ANSI code
COUNTYGEOIDStringCounty identifier; a concatenation of Census state FIPS code and county FIPS code
COUNTYNAMEStringCensus county name
COUNTYNAMELSADStringCensus name and the translated legal/statistical area description for county
COUNTYLSADStringCensus legal/statistical area description code for county
COUNTYCLASSFPStringCensus FIPS 55 class code
COUNTYMTFCCStringMAF/TIGER feature class code (G4020)
COUNTYCSAFPStringCensus combined statistical area code
COUNTYCBSAFPStringCensus metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area code
COUNTYMETDIVFPStringCensus metropolitan division code
COUNTYFUNCSTATStringCensus functional status
COUNTYALANDNumberCensus land area
COUNTYAWATERNumberCensus water area
COUNTYINTPTLATNumberCensus latitude of the internal point
COUNTYINTPTLONNumberCensus longitude of the internal point
COUNTYPOPNumberCensus population count
COUNTYHUNumberCensus housing unit count